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Escarpinosa lake

Given its location in the foothills of Perramó peak and the fact that is surrounded by black pines, the hike to Escarpinosa lake is one of Posets-Maladeta Nature Park essential routes.

The path starts in the parking lot located at the beginning of Estós Valley and runs into the GR11 route later on. The itinerary passes close to Santa Ana hut and continues through the forest track until it reaches the detour towards Batisielles lake, well marked on the left. At this point, the GR11 forest track must be left continuing throughout the detour to the lake. The path goes up a dense forest until it arrives to a tiny lake in a meadows area; this is Batisielles lake or small lake.

The end of the itinerary is at around 40 minutes more following the direction marks through a smaller path that will lead us to the astonishing Escarpinosa lake, an idyllic landscape surrounded by a black pine forest and nestled in a basin that has been shaped by the spur of Ixeia and Perramó peaks. The way back will be retracing the same path.

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