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Eriste - Tramarríus Bridge - Espigantosa waterfall - Refugio de Ángel Orús

This path, that runs through Eriste Valley, faces down an eminent vertical drop until arriving to Ángel Orús mountain refuge located in Forcau peaks foothills and the starting point of multiple routes such as Posets peak hike.

The route between Eriste and Espigantosa waterfall is very attainable and it can be achieved with no hitch regardless of the level of expertise. Along the way, there are plenty of points to enjoy, from going across incredible landscapes and lush forest to lying at the foothills of breathtaking mountains. The second stage of this route, which range from the waterfall to Ángel Orús mountain refuge, surmounts a steep drop but both the track and the destination pay off the effort.

It is a perfect outing to get to know the very heart of Aragón Pyrenees forgetting for some hours the day-to-day worries and discovering alternative life perspectives.

Eriste - Tramarrius bridge - Espigantosa waterfall

The route to Espigantosa waterfall starts in Eriste, a beautiful village worth visiting. We have to follow the route signposted as PR-HU 36. At first, we have to head for the village main square where we can contemplate the lovely San Félix church and then go north-west in order to take the Tramarrius path at the end of the village, a gorgeous stony path that runs among fields and goes up Eriste river right edge.

Later on, the path straightens while the vegetation becomes more assorted. Ashes, hazelnuts, birches, boxwoods, cherry trees and a lovely stream used for watering the highland fields go with us along the way.

Through a slightly slope we arrive to Tramarrius bridge located under its homonym waterfall that comes down from Aigüeta de la Ball valley. At this point, the path disappears so it is necessary to cross this lovely bridge and take the main forest track that comes from Eriste and that lead us to the foothills of Espigantosa waterfall.

Puente de Tramarríus, Eriste. Valle de Benasque

Espigantosa waterfall - Ángel Orús mountain refuge

We can continue towards Ángel Orús mountain refuge by taking the path that goes upwards Eriste river left edge sharing the track with the PR-HU 36. Some meters after starting the route, we reach the bridge and the gorgeous espigantosa waterfall. After crossing the bridge, we continue upwards through a path that goes past Tabernera spring. Close to the spring, the slope softens in Les Riberetes meadows, where the valley opens. In this area, we have to pay attention in order not to take Presentet bridge located on the right side because the Ángel Orús route is on the left side, without crossing the river.

We continue upwards between rocks and later on next to small water courses that flow between black pines. The path climbs a very steep zigzag slope until reaching Ángel Orús or Forcau mountain refuge. From here, there is an excellent panoramic view of Es Corbets peak, Llardana and Llardaneta valleys, Forcau crests and the astonishing Bal d’es Ibons waterfall.

The way back to the parking lot is retracing the same path.

The physical demand varies significantly depending on the snow conditions. For your safety, it is well recommended to pay attention to avalanches risk. It is a mountain itinerary, therefore always carry water and food, warm and rain clothes, and use suitable shoes.
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