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Sahún / Sahunc

Sahún is an urban ensemble of very well preserved houses and streets that stand for its typical Pyrenees beauty. The most remarkable is the Romanic origin parish church of San Juan Bautista with Renaissance retouches and the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Guayente.

Located in the middle of Benasque Valley, the urban area of Sahún is one of which best preserves the traditional local architecture.

While walking through the perfectly adapted streets of Sahún, we can contemplate lovely examples of the traditional architecture. There are different types of houses: the patio-house with a free area around which several rooms are placed, and the bloc-house in which all the rooms are under the same roof. Some of these houses preserve the building date inscriptions that usually coincide with the local economic prosperity periods.

The parish church of San Juan Bautista has interesting remainders of several historical moments. With a Romanic origin dating back to the 12th century, this church has Renaissance retouches from the 16th and the 17th centuries. It is also worth mentioning the 19th century bell in which its builder carved his name proudly: Lachintus Bardona Me Fecit.

Close to Sahún, there is a sanctuary devoted to Santa Guayente. This sanctuary was built during the 12th and the 17th centuries and has become a point of gathering for Benasque Valley inhabitants since Benasque Council used to celebrate its meetings there. In those meetings, several issues were discussed, such as the bandits crossing from France, the pastures distribution, the fishing or the sorcery trials. Although the church dates back to the Romanic era, it was totally transformed during the 17th century preserving nowadays a lovely wooden altarpiece.

Sahún has a rich festivities tradition that continues openly alive for visitors. One of these festivities is the San Juan’s Eve in which men go up to La Arena setting and they light up a bonfire. Later on, they go all around the town streets with their lighted ‘falla’ (torch) made of birch wood until it extinguishes.

Sahún municipality has two more settlements: Eriste and Eresué.

Eriste: Town located 3 km away from Benasque with a lovely reservoir that gives a special charm to the town. Eriste is the main access to Eriste Valley, a natural route that gives access to Posets peak, and brings the opportunity to visit the Glaciers Interpretation Centre.

Eresué: Small town located in a privileged setting over the right edge of Ésera River, at 1,350 metres high, in the so-called Camino del Solano.

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